Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools

The following article is a follow up of my presentation given at a Mobile Media Seminar at the University of Aarhus (DK) in March 2008. Seipold, Judith (2008): Mobile learning at the interface between formal and informal learning. Harnessing mobile phones and their modes of representation for curricular learning. Seminar Mobile Media, 10. März 2008,… Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools weiterlesen

Un-conferencing-Formate – kollaborative Wissensarbeit und kommunikative Lernformen

Un-conferencing ist “posh” – und das zu Recht. Teils werden ganz Konferenzen wie z.B. die EduCamps nach diesem Prinzip, das auf kollaborativer Wissensarbeit und kommunikativen Lernformen basiert, organisiert; teils finden sich auf Konferenzen Slots, in denen Platz für un-conferencing geschaffen wurde. Auf unserer Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments Conference (MLCB), die wir als… Un-conferencing-Formate – kollaborative Wissensarbeit und kommunikative Lernformen weiterlesen

Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference

Graham Attwell, Jenny Hughes and Dirk Stieglitz did a great job with the live radio show from our MLCB conference which took place in Bremen on March 21 and 22, 2011. The podcast is available from the Pontydysgu weblog. Below is the description of the two shows as well as the URL to the podcasts.… Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference weiterlesen

Keine Bildung ohne Medien – Kongress – Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppen

Die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppen, die am gestrigen Donnerstag erarbeitet wurden, sind nun online verfügbar unter Die Wordle-Cloud dazu sieht so aus (ungefiltert):

Presentation “Critical perspective on mobile learning” held at MLCB

Last Monday, I held my presentation “A critical perspective on mobile learning: Results of a heuristic analysis of the scientific process and a hermeneutic analysis of mobile learning practice” at the “Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments” conference in Bremen (conference website).   Slides   Video A Critical Perspective on Mobile Learning: Results…  … Presentation “Critical perspective on mobile learning” held at MLCB weiterlesen