On March 27 and 28, 2012 the conference “Educational Media Ecologies – International Perspectives” took place at the University of Paderborn (Germany). As I was not able to attend in person I submitted a video presentation that can be watched below or by clicking here. The slides can be accessed via the slideshare website, the… Mobile Learning. Potential and controversy embodied in a young scientific field, and arising consequences for future research and practice. weiterlesen
Schlagwort: cultural practices
Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools
The following article is a follow up of my presentation given at a Mobile Media Seminar at the University of Aarhus (DK) in March 2008. Seipold, Judith (2008): Mobile learning at the interface between formal and informal learning. Harnessing mobile phones and their modes of representation for curricular learning. Seminar Mobile Media, 10. März 2008,… Providing continuity for learner centred learning with mobile phones in schools weiterlesen
Digitale Identitäten (digital identities)
ENGLISH INTRO: In preparation for an online panel discussion – which finally didn’t take place – I collected a few headwords concerning “digital identities”. They are covered under the sections theoretical framework, phenomena from media use in everyday-life, and a few conclusions about identity and identity construction. This will not be further elaborated at this… Digitale Identitäten (digital identities) weiterlesen
3rd WLE Mobile Learning Symposium: Mobile Learning Cultures across Education, Work and Leisure
On March 27, 2009 the 3rd WLE Mobile Learning Symposium took place at the WLE Centre, IoE, London. I was – together with Norbert Pachler, Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and Giasemi Vavoula – organiser of this event. We produced a lot of output such as the book of abstracts, slides and, as far as available, video recordings… 3rd WLE Mobile Learning Symposium: Mobile Learning Cultures across Education, Work and Leisure weiterlesen