MLCB conference – retrospection II

Graham Attwell posted his reflections about the Mobile Learning: Crossing Boundaries Conference on the vernally greenish Pontydysgu website. The blog post can be accessed here. Graham commented on organisational aspects such as theme venue costs formats online-tools organising committee. Especially good to see that Graham picked up the idea we discussed last week about having… MLCB conference – retrospection II weiterlesen

MLCB conference – retrospection

After a busy week – it started on Saturday 19th with the two-days EduCamp (#echb11)  and ended with the Medien Kongress in Berlin (#kbom11) on March 25 – it is time to close the chapter MLCB 2011 (#MLCB). This post is simply to reflect on lessons learnt and issues emerging, and to provide URLs to… MLCB conference – retrospection weiterlesen

Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference

Graham Attwell, Jenny Hughes and Dirk Stieglitz did a great job with the live radio show from our MLCB conference which took place in Bremen on March 21 and 22, 2011. The podcast is available from the Pontydysgu weblog. Below is the description of the two shows as well as the URL to the podcasts.… Sounds of the Bazaar live internet radio at the MLCB conference weiterlesen

MLCB conference book of abstracts

Today in the afternoon we published the book of abstracts of the ‘Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments’ Conference. The file is available as download from the LMLG website. The BOA is edited by Klaus Rummler, Judith Seipold, Eileen Lübcke, Norbert Pachler and Graham Attwell and runs under the ISSN No. 1753-3385 Table of… MLCB conference book of abstracts weiterlesen

Un-conferencing formats at MLCB conference

We now compiled a list with descriptions of the un-conferncing formats that we do at the MLCB conference in Bremen on Monday and Tuesday. They are available on the conference website at, and – for your convenience – here as well:   Radio Workshop Graham Attwell will introduce in radio making and streaming. This… Un-conferencing formats at MLCB conference weiterlesen

We can take it for granted: It will be about mobile learning

The Book of Abstracts of the MLCB conference is in production now and will be published the week before the conference takes place. However, just to be sure that the conference will be what we promised it to be, I made a quick wordle by using the draft of the BOA. Registration for the conference,… We can take it for granted: It will be about mobile learning weiterlesen